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Erik Weber Passes the Bar and Proves His Doctors Wrong
Doctors told Erik Weber’s mother Sandy that he needed to be institutionalized, that he would never be more than an 18-month-old...
Trapped No More: Rapid Prompting Method Helps Non-Verbal Communicate
If you don't believe we can use our challenges for good, then take a look at Soma Mukhopadhyay. The Rapid Prompting Method she invented...
Watching the Film "A Mother's Courage" Gave Me Courage and a New Understanding
I will never forget the way I felt after watching the documentary "A Mother's Courage." Amazed. This strong and loving mother took her...
Wretches and Jabberers...You Want to Know What that Means Don't You?
Wretches and Jabberers was the documentary that I watched that caused my Autism Shift, get a sense of why it was in this short clip about...
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